We are a growing community of student-athletes, parents, volunteers, coaches, and board members working collaboratively to support and promote fastpitch softball and baseball throughout the Puget Sound region and the State of Washington. We’re fostering the next generation of leaders through the love of the Game.
The Washington Avengers are dedicated to promoting competitive youth fastpitch softball and baseball throughout King, Pierce, Thurston counties and the greater Puget Sound area. We will compete at a local, state and national level. We believe that hard work and dedication coupled with a love of the game and a commitment to sportsmanship, teamwork and an openness to learning will develop better ball players, more self-confident student athletes, long lasting bonds and strong leaders both on and off of the field.
Washington Avengers is committed to promoting and instilling:
• A love of the Game
• Respect for the Game
• Dedication to education both on and off of the field
• Accountability
• Teamwork and lasting bonds with our teammates
• Sportsmanship
• Leadership skills
Washington Avengers staff will dedicate their time and efforts to develop a culture in which student-athletes have the opportunity to grow, compete, learn, lead and develop skills and friendships that will enhance their athletic careers and their lives well beyond.